Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ava, two weeks

Perla, one day

Sometimes I wonder if a baby's temperament is influenced in any way by their birth. Ava's birth, while still entirely natural, was traumatic for both of us. My labor was started by my then midwife, I was on my back on a bed (worst birthing position ever), and she had issues going under my pelvis which resulted in a very bruised forehead. As a newborn, she was colicky, had trouble nursing, and rarely slept (at least it seems). Of course we were also new to the parent game and I'm sure she felt our stress and tension, which probably added to the issues we were having. It was a rough first year, that's for sure.

Perla's birth, on the other hand, was perfect. Can I say that? It was exactly what I wanted and I am so happy with the entire experience. Start to finish, my labor was less than two hours. She was born in the tub, easing her transition from womb to world, where she was immediately placed in my arms, not to leave me until several hours later. She nursed, I kissed her a thousand times, we napped, ate and introduced her to Ava, her big sister and soon-to-be best friend. It was magical.

Perhaps I'm speaking too soon (Sophie don't be an idiot and jinx this), but Perla has been a saint baby. Textbook baby. She cries when she needs her pants a'changin, when she's hungry or maybe just overtired. Nursing was difficult (good lord was it difficult) at first, but she has and continues to dominate it. She's a champ. She coos and smiles and drools and cuddles. It's bliss.

My postpartum emotions have been much calmer this time around, and I don't feel even the slightest bit depressed as I did after having birthed Ava. I know there are endless variables to sway each of my entirely different birthing experiences, but I just can't help wonder if these experiences had/have any effect on both my and my babes postpartum behavior. It's interesting, you know?