Thursday, September 29, 2011
Dear Ava,
This is you dancing like a maniac. You call music "me-ees" and it's freaking hilarious.
"Momma, turn on my me-ees!"
Other notable things you're saying:
You start so many of your sentences these days with "sometimes people..." and sometimes is always spoken with this tone of airiness like you're enlightening me with some great new information. Examples:
"Sometimes people go to the doctor"
"Sometimes people have a rash" (referring to the rash on your bum that brought us a dr. visit, see above)
"Sometimes people get medicine" (again, can't get off that dr. visit)
You like to tell us to "chop, chop" complete with hand clapping whenever you want something. And quickly I'm guessing.
You call your ABCs your "ABCDs"...which is still correct and makes it that much cuter.
Yesterday you started using "I really, really" out of nowhere:
"But I really, really, really want to go hiking!!", you say as we are, in fact, in the middle of hiking the mountain. To which I reply, "but we ARE hiking!" "No, MOM, I really, really, really want to go hiking!" "But I really, really don't want to go home!" "I really, really want to see Cy!"
Lately when you call me into your room for something it goes like this: "Mama....Mama....MAMA....Mama........MOM!!!"
When we ask you a question you've learned a good answer is, "I don't know?"
The way you say oatmeal is sidesplittingly funny. We've probably asked you to repeat 112983 dozen times. I believe you pronounce it, "et muu"
Before bedtime it's become a ritual to let everyone know how nice it's been meeting them. "Nice ta meet ya Mama" "Nice to meet ya Daddy" "Nice to meet ya baby sista Puhla"...complete with hand shake.
....and geez, there are so many more that I have written down. I'm getting better at it, I swear.
Love yous,
Posted by sophie at 9:47 PM
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