Monday, September 6, 2010

dear ava,

this is your bedtime routine:

  • we spend family time playing in the living room for a good 30 minutes
  • by 7:30 mama and daddy say, "let's get ready for bed, ava" and you cry a lot
  • we change your diaper 
  • you help pick out your jammas and we put them on
  • you brush your teeth (aka eat the toothpaste)
  • you give 'goodnight kisses' in which you insist on kissing each of us at least three times
  • you have a bottle either on the couch with mama and daddy or one of us gives it to you in your rocker
  • we lay you in your crib with your bajillion dolls and stuffed animals, and whichever doll gets lucky is quickly tucked under and squeezed tightly in your little arms
  • and you're off to dreamland until you're up at 7 am (because there is so much to do as a toddler! waste no time!)