Tuesday, September 7, 2010

dear ava,

over the weekend mama scored you a whole lot of sweet shoes on a sweet discount. one pair being these sparkly pink converse all stars. they're a wee bit big, but anytime you see them you squeal with delight and yell, "shoes! shoes! shoes!" until we put them on you. usually we'll try to hide them from you after we somehow pry them off, but you always uncover them and the cycle begins again. mama left the shoes by your bedroom door last night, and the first thing you did this morning was pop out of your crib and point to them. "shoes! shoes! shoes!" 

so daddy put them on and let you run around in them for a bit (and then he hid them in the bathroom).




Anonymous said...

Oh she's a mini-Sophie! Sparkly tennis shoes with sweet nightgown and mischevious smile....priceless! Love you. Mom