Tuesday, September 14, 2010

dear ava,

lately you have been h-a-t-i-n-g your baths and showers (unless of course they're at someone else's house or shared with your bff, cyan), and you become somewhat of a hysterical maniac when it comes time to have one. you put up a fight while undressing, continually scream "nooo!" and instead of sitting down in the water, you stand there and scream like it's hurting you (trust us, it's not). pouring water over your head is the end of the world, as is trying to shampoo and wash your little body. rinsing? far too traumatic.

anyway, your baths now last a whopping three minutes and as soon as we say "all done" you repeat the words and throw your arms up in desperation to be taken out. the second your feet hit the bathroom floor you stop crying, snuggle into your towel and become happy as a clam.

so, i've decided to leave bathing you mostly up to your father.

love you,




Anonymous said...

Don't you just love those fast and furious two year old phases!? Love Momma