Friday, January 22, 2010

old laundry baby

Dear Ava,

This is you picking up every clothing item you could fit into your hands. You picked them up one by one. Off the floor. And yes, you draped my gauchos over your neck; I think they make for quite a lovely shawl, don't you?

Oh and yep, that's my bra. On top of that is a pillow, a calculator case, and in your hands a Jurassic Park dvd that's soon to join the rest of the pile. And you want to know what you do next? You lay on it. Because it's a pillow and that's what you do with pillows. Nevermind the pile of trash buried beneath it. And nevermind that I let you walk around in your unzipped pj's like that.




Steph said...

This totally cracked me up. That unzipped footsie looks like a fashion robe trailing behind! What a dear!